Honouring the Child
An Experiential Self-Development Workshop exploring the CHILD in all of us (including the messy bits). We will look at the strategies we put in place as children in order to keep our self safe and how they may inhibit our growth in the present! In this workshop we use activities like painting and children’s construction materials to get in touch with ‘Child’ part of us that has often been discounted. We will explore how this feels and what we may have lost.
This workshop is designed to be fun, as scary as that may sound.
You might want to think about what you wear to enable to you to do that!
Who is it for:
Anyone. This workshop will count as 6 hours CPD
The 3DTA Training Institute, 3a Carmarthen Street, Llandeilo, SA196AE
Course Presenter:
Jules Marshall, MSc TA Psych. BSc Psych., PTSTA, CTA, MBACP, UKCP Reg.
Please Note the maximum number of participants is 6 so please book early to avoid disappointment. Other dates will be offered if initial numbers exceed the limit.