Personality Adaptions/Disorders
We all develop strategies and ways of being in order to survive and get our needs met in the world we are born into. These strategies can be seen as particular patterns. As we are all basically the same it is understandable that people in similar situations come up with similar patterns that we call Personality Adaptations.
This workshop will explore these different Adaptations and what has to change for an Adaptation to impact on someones life to such an extent that it is classed as a Disorder. Each Adaptation has particular characteristics of thoughts feelings and behaviours that we can use to identify the Adaptation. We will look at how we can recognise and use these characteristics in working with and being in relationship people.
Who is it for:
Anyone interested… no previous knowledge necessary.
This workshop will count as 6 hours CPD.
The 3DTA Training Institute, 3a Carmarthen Street, Llandeilo, SA19 6AE
Course Presenter:
Jules Marshall, MSc TA Psych. BSc Psych., PTSTA, CTA, MBACP, UKCP Reg.