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TA Training

Are  you interested in Transactional Analysis ?​​​​​​​​​​

Maybe you are a counsellor looking for another way to appeal to your clients. You could be working in education or training within organisations  and looking for ways of getting points across to your trainees.

Are you looking at re-training or changing your career or finding ways to Continue your professional development (CPD)…Then… look at the different training courses and workshops on offer with Jules as TA has something to offer you. 

TA training starts with a TA101 - for more details have a look at the TA101 Course.







TA Foundation Course which leads to the  UKATA TA Diploma (120 hours)

At the 3DTA institute we are now offering this course as both a stand alone course and a prerequisite for continuing advanced  training in the specialist TA applications (Psychotherapy, Counselling, Educational and Organisational). It is for those wanting to deepen their knowledge of TA following the Introductory TA101 course.

During the year we will encourage the integration of learning with case examples, taught elements and experiential exercises. Some personal development will be provided on the course through the facilitation of the group process. Participants are required to attend personal counselling/psychotherapy (a minimum of 40 hours /year).

Written work consists of an ongoing learning journal, short questionnaires following each weekend, two 2000 word essays on aspects of TA.


On completion of this course successful participants with be awarded the UKATA TA AWARD.

Applications for 2021 /2022 are now being accepted.

Sample Content

Weekend 1 - Forming, History of TA, TA Philosophy, Contracting

Weekend 2 - Ego States, Structural and Functional Models

Weekend 3 - Transactions and Strokes

Weekend 4 - Transferee and Countertransference, Games

Weekend 5 - Script, Script Types, Script Processes, Drivers and Injunctions

Weekend 6 - Rackets and Racketeering, Life Positions

Weekend 7 - Personality Adaptations

Weekend 8 - Discounting, Symbiosis and Passive Behaviours

Weekend 9 - Child Development and Psychopathology

Weekend 10 - Groups and Endings


Course Fee

The Course fee for 2019/2020 is £2050 which can be paid in monthly instalments.

An Early Payment Discount brings the cost down to £1900.

How to Apply:

To gain a place on this course  for 2019/2020 please  contact  Jules  or click on the link to down load  Application form.

After returning the application form you will then be invited for an interview and if accepted onto the course you will need to have attended  a TA101 prior to starting.


TA Training

Student Writing

TA 101

Official Introduction

20th & 21st November 2020

This course covers the basic introductory elements of Transactional Analysis and is run over 1 weekend (6 hour sessions).


Contact Jules

Contact Jules

11 New Road
SA19 6DB

01558 685066
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